What a game this is,

Gotta start with the production values are insane, loved the animated opening and the game just looks incredible, especially the indoor stuff which just looks real. Only issue is the pop in, which can get pretty distracting while outside.

The gameplay is extremely solid, with the best gunplay thus far in my opinion - it also easily has. the best item management in RE and I'm glad the map is back to how it used to be in terms of discovery.

Outside of that comes fantastic level design that almost completely eliminates mandatory backtracking and gives us a crafting/cooking system that encourages you to explore, a system that makes just walking around more engaging.

The game isn't nearly as scary as previous entries, and is barely even tense throughout with one huge exception. While I don't mind it not being as scary as 7, this isn't even as scary as 1 on the gamecube.

The action elements are fare more obvious and to be honest, I liked them! It helped how it ties into the very quickly ramping storyline which ended up being fantastic, while tying into the franchise very well.

Bosses are a massive improvement from 7 (although some are still a bit bullet spongey) and the shop mechanic is a great addition. It may not be very scary, but it's damn enjoyable and is up there for this series - 8.7/10

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2021
