In Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, you follow Ichiban Kasuga and Kiryu Kazuma, both of whom are ex yakuza that must confront their past. The game’s intro does a good job of establishing what would be a long emotional journey with our protagonists and friends, however it loses steam halfway through and falls flat in the end. This becomes more apparent when some of the gags and serious moments just don't land. Many plot threads that were established in the story have rushed endings which left me feeling unsatisfied. Almost all characters have no closure, with even some of their fates being unknown, with no clear signs of whether or not it was supposed to end on a cliffhanger. Thankfully, one positive that I can give is the incredible voice acting in both the English and Japanese audio.

Setting aside the flawed story, the game is pretty much perfect in every other aspect. The turn-based combat is much more balanced, which eliminates the difficulty spikes that plagued the last game. This is thanks to the new jobs that are introduced to allow for your party to have much more diversity and give the player new ways to fight (or support) in combat. The game is packed with high-quality side content, with the 2 biggest mini games being the Sujimon mode and the Dondoko Island. To give an example of how big one of the two are, I spent an additional 20 hours on Dondoko Island so that I could get my resort to a 5 star rating. Of course, if you want “smaller” mini games, you will still find plenty of those around the maps.

Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth is an ambitious game, and RGG studios did their best to create a game that can rival Yakuza 0 (which I believe is the best game in the series). Sadly, the story of Infinite Wealth fell apart towards the end and felt rushed, which left my 102 hour journey with these characters to feel unrewarding. The gameplay is fun, and it is potentially the best turn-based I have ever played thanks to its balanced party system and diverse jobs. The side content is debatably the best in the series thanks to the fun mini games such as Dondoko Island and Sujimon. I also encountered no bugs, and it ran smoothly on a Xbox Series S. After finishing, I strongly believe that we’ll soon get a turn-based Like a Dragon game similar to Yakuza 0. I still enjoyed Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth, and am curious to see where Ichiban’s story will go. As of now, I will give Like a Dragon Infinite Wealth an 8 out of 10.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024
