6 reviews liked by ScaryMonsters88

this game has no soul. There are some really lazy aspects to it, like putting two of the same structure on the same map and then putting the "secret" collectible in both of them in the same place.
yeah yaeh "this game has very cool look" :DDD no it's worse than almost any boomer shooter. This game feels like a student's graduation project.

I'm shocked that a game that feels this fucking good to play. A game that's this heavy, that is this satisfying to make enemies explode into a indistinguishable mess of gore is this unabashedly boring. Nothing about this really screams anything to me. It isn't awful, but as far as brainless shooters are concerned, just nah.

This is probably my favorite Star Fox, I'm really miffed it didn't get to release and have its mechanics become the basis for the rest!

I laughed out loud when I noticed they still had the climbing point paint on the walls even though the game is so linear that

1. you have no where else to go
2. I was literally following someone
3. you don't climb the wall, you just hold up like you've done for the last 3 hours and senua figures out how to climb it herself

A Very Sub-par, Single-player Focused Counter-Strike

Counter Strike: Condition Zero sounded somewhat appealing to me on paper - a single-player focused story that could weave a tale within the CS universe. What I encountered instead was a boring, repetitive story mode with predictable mission structure and brainless enemy AI.

The campaign, from what I played, is very disappointing. There doesn't seem to be any coherent plot, so you're just running around doing single-player missions for no reason at all. The diversity of tactics that fuel CS gameplay is so watered down that it frankly doesn't even exist. It plays like a poor version of an original "Call of Duty" title, but at least in those games you have some sort of consistent mission and theme. Here, its essentially a mission pack that proves itself to be fairly basic, boring, and asinine.

There is very little character design, and the levels are appear muddy and washed out. There are cliche hostage rescue missions, escort mission, and "sneak in unnoticed and take everyone out" type missions. The game is flavorless - it functions, but there is no soul behind it.

The audio is at least pretty good, even despite the other technical limitations. With more polish and work put into this title, it really could have served as a stand-out, smash-hit for Ritual, Turtle Rock, and Valve, but alas it was squandered and remains as a very forgettable CS experience. In the end, I would Not Recommend playing Counter-Strike: Condition Zero unless you are a very big CS fan and are desperate for some old-school content.

Final Verdict: 4/10 (Below Average)

Complex CS Lore (It's just a cookie cutter selection of missions).

Not bad but you'll forget about it a week after being done with it.

Actually you know what the game is also racist as fuck now that I have looked back into it, even worse that the Call of Duty games, this game is shit.