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All the goodness of fear 1 and more, more level variety, which is nice, the new weapons are goddamn awesome, this game now has the best minigun I've seen in any game, if the best shotgun wasn't enough. The laser too, it's also so fucking satisfying, when you cut enemies in half with it, God..., It's better than sex.

The horror is also improved, it's more psychological and overall just better.

The story... it's.. ok. It's good, it's ok, but that's not at all the reason you should be playing this game, or maybe I don't understand the story. Idk.

Overall a well-done dlc.

One of the best shooters I've played in terms of gameplay, the gunfights in the close quarter office settings, as you go in bullet time, and cut the enemies in half and turn them into a red mist with the spas 12, see as the chunks of walls and floors get destroyed, the air gets filled with smoke of guns, the sound of shells hitting the ground, it's orgasm inducing.

This game has one of the best shotguns ever, it's extremely satisfying and powerful

The magnum opus of the game though is the ai of the enemies, they're extremely advanced specially for 2005, they are really aware of their surroundings, they'll comm the status of the situation, they will address how many men you've killed, when you try to flank them they notice and shout it out "he's trying to flank", they find cover really dynamically, and when the "squad leader" shouts get to cover, but there is non for the enemy they'll shout "there's no where to go" or "Where?" Or such, they will try to flush you out with grenades or they'll move in in packs to out number you, they will use the environment for their advantage. And so on.

The enemy variety is pretty great for the length of the game too. But I won't spoil.

The gun variety is good, there aren't many but each gun has it's purpose and is satisfying to use, never felt that a gun was useless, and you have to switch out guns here and there because you can only carry 3.

The story was good, not amazing, but it's maybe because I didn't fully understand it, but the story is not why you play this game.

The horror though it's pretty meh, There was like two scares that startled me slightly, but that's about it.

Overall an amazing first person shooter, which was revolutionary for it's time.

The first instalment in the fallout series, fallout 1 from the beginning intro set the tone perfectly, a dark gritty unforgiving post-apocalyptic world.

The world building of this game is exquisite, it's extremely believable that how humans will behave after a post nuclear fallout, unlike the bethesda games, you can see civilization, you can see people build villages, people go into the ruined cities and live in them and slowly repair them.

You can see traders with brahmins traveling all over the map. yes trading brahmins were in fallout 3 aswell, but it was less believable, it felt like there was jusr 4 of em and they only exist for the player.

I can go on all about every city and settlement in fallout 1 and how unique each one is, but then I'll have to sit and write this review for the next 4 hours.

when you start a new game, first thing you'll see is the character creation menu. There are 3 premade characters, but I think it's not important, you should just create your own character.
The character creation is not that far off from the other fallout games in terms of looks.
The basic stats are here, the special is present, and there are some "traits" you can select right of the bat, they have both negative and positive affects on you. I always recommend just picking bloody mess, to see more of the awesome and charming over the top gore animations

The specials act a bit different too, though it's not my specialty to say exactly what does what, I noticed that strength matters alot, like you can't really use some guns with low strength. Which also is kind of the case on new vegas.

And speech, intelligence and charisma unlock and make way to many more dialogue choices.

The story of fallout 1 starts by you, the vault dweller setting out from your vault, the vault 13 to the wasteland to find a waterchip for your vault as your vault's overseer asked.

The premiss starts simple, you start by going towards the nearest vault, which is vault 15, in the way to came across shady sands, a small settlement of villagers and farmers.
This is where the game starts to show you it's winning cards, there is no objective markers, no text to tell you what to do, you're on your own to do whatever you want.
Though there is a objectives tab in your pipboy, and a time limit for the waterchip, which is a slight complaint I have, though the time given is alot, it's still stressful and a burden to think about.

As I was saying, in shady sands, you are just free to go around the small village and talk to certain people, here you can get couple of quests, find a companion, and "trade". The first quest you're likely to get is from the guard in the entrance, where he talks about how the rad scorpions are pain in the ass, so you offer help, and he brings you to the rad scorpion cave to deal with them, I highly recommend to get ian, a companion in shady sands first.

After killing the rad scorpions and going back, the quest giver just thanks you and that's it, no reward.

It sets the tone perfectly, as you're just a guy, you're not a rpg hero, were everyone is like "Hey! Hero! Go fetch me some apples and I'll give you 100 gold"
Though there are quests with rewards they blend really well with the setting of the game.

I won't talk about the game's narrative any longer so it won't be spoilers.

Overall Both main and side quests in this game are Great; the characters are memorable and amazing, the voice acting for important characters are extremely good, the dialogues are well written, the story is chef's kiss, the narrative gets gradually more intriguing and the surprises it holds are well worth the play time.

Gameplay, though many "modern gamers" find it "bad", the gameplay is well done and great. I prefer action and real time combat too, but I won't bring down the game for how the game designers saw best for the game.

The turn based combat is actually really fun though. It starts slow, when you can't even hit a damn rat, the best chance you get is like 40%

But gradually when you upgrade your armor, level up, find better guns, which there is quite a expansive arsenal, the combat starts to feel amazing, when you hit a crit and watch the enemy get cut in half in one shot. It never gets old. The choices you make in combat though simple are important. You have action points which determine how many moves you have, even opening your inventory uses action points, so you have to play your cards right.

in the end it's a great crpg made with passion that is worth your time.

though if you don't enjoy crpg games, or turn based combat, or you can't play a game without quest markers and the game telling you what to do, or you don't like old games, it's not for you.