The Good:
- Initially intriguing mystery surrounding 'the loop' and its visionaries. The opening of the game especially does a good job of drip feeding info allowing the player to piece together the puzzle
- Gameplay is serviceable
- The concept of a roguelike set in this backdrop isn't bad in theory

The bad:
- The sense of progression between loops. Ooh look I've found a purple gun - oh it does the exact same thing as the shitty gun except not jam. The 'looping' overall was repetitive, there are side missions but after doing a couple, I realised these weren't very worthwhile
- No sense of peril. The AI are braindead and the visionaries aren't a threat. There's only Julianna who is actually interesting
- The game is sparse in content. There are only 4 maps and barely any weapon variety
- The gameplay, although serviceable in terms of movement and gun-play, is basic. There's no incentive to get creative when eliminating a target when you can just run in and shoot things up just as easy
- A bit more direction would be beneficial. I don't want hand-holding but when a key story-beat can only be discovered by reading a nondescript white note which looks like every other non-interactable white note scattered around in every room in the game - we have a problem

Overall not a bad game but I found the niggles too much to persevere with and the story didn't grab me as I thought it would

Reviewed on May 23, 2024
