What a fucking miserable exercise in frustration; how SEGA were comfortable releasing this in Arcades hot off the success of the one the greatest console beat em ups in history is beyond me.

The enemy waves and bosses would be cruel even if the game worked properly - too bad it plays like absolute shit. Get too close to the enemy? Missed input. Try to pick up an enemy in the 0.5 second window you have to throw them, one of the only ways to do any significant damage control? Missed input. Punching more than one enemy at a time? Missed input.

Meanwhile the enemies are able to stagger you out of a life within 2-3 seconds and you just have to sit there and take it and bosses will take more than half your health bar while the entire setup for the move leaves them invincible to absolutely everything you do. No special or desperation move to cancel out an enemy combo, just jump and punch/kick.

If you really want to throw the boat out, the only move you'll be spamming to death is an absolute gamble, as it requires you to get a running start and complete an entire roll to hit. If you hit an enemy mid roll, you bounce back and take damage; good luck using it when you're swamped with 4-5 enemies on the screen that are programmed to zone directly in on sight.

There are people out there who have managed to 1CC this steaming pile of horseshit and I have to wonder why you'd put yourself through the endeavor of learning to manipulate it enough to take advantage of how awful the hit detection is. I'm fairly certain this is the worst beat em up I've ever played and it's probably gonna stay that way for a long time.

Reviewed on Jun 17, 2024
