Rayman 1995

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 24, 2022

Platforms Played


For 1995, this game looks really good. The art direction is really solid and I love the character designs. The music is pretty good, nothing special, but still servicable. That's where the positives end though, this game is just straight up evil. The controls feel very imprecise, it's very easy to die to a bunch of enemies, the game thinks running should be a powerup you get midway through the game, and the level design in general...man it's brutal. There are instant death traps everywhere, there's a life system that should never have left the drawing room floor, the bosses range from boring to complete horseshit, the platforming range from alright to something that was dreamed up by Satan himself. I really, REALLY did not enjoy playing through this, the fact that the final level requires you to find every single cage is just the icing on the cake. Bullshit game.