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January 30, 2024

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I really enjoyed this game. The story was incredibly compelling considering the kind of place I've been in, and David working through his issues through other people was a very nice way to pace things. It doesn't overstay (beating it twice took me 12 hours) it's welcome with only 3 places to explore that are all pretty spooky, and have puzzles I really enjoyed, minus a miss or two. The only major problems are the 2 endings that sorta obfuscate the meaning a bit. Having David talk directly to Duke in the Newgame+ route, while also implying it was all about him at the end, and how everyone (besides the kid?) were directly related to him felt off. It sorta detracted from the experience, by making things incredibly confusing. In the original ending he's been long gone, not even rotting, just bone, and honestly I think that's a bit more cathartic. He was a ghost who helped you through it, and maybe he was the crooked man pushing you further. Him being alive sorta throws into question how his spirit even affected David in the first place, but other than that it was incredible to play. The only other gripe I have with it was the action sequences in the gameplay. The incredibly scripted messy interactions with the crooked man. Having to inspect a hole to activate a cutscene to kick him down it was just sorta boring, which is them at their best. Boring. Confusing and annoying is their worst, but they don't make the game worse or anything. Running out doors and getting instantly killed was definitely infuriating at first, then suddenly it was mandatory to run out of them to lock it behind me. Which was just not very fun or engaging. At least the boss fights feel pretty impactful, and reflect David's growth. Definitely worth playing.