I had a pretty good time playing this game actually. I was unsure how I would feel about it before getting started since these types of games aren't usually my jam. It's not as hardcore as I thought, at least on normal mode. I think the difficulty for me as an inexperienced player was good until the last map which, while possible, felt really sudden.

I don't think very highly of the random stat gains. I understand that it adds a bit of variance but I dislike the idea that units you like can be rendered mediocre. I also understand the stakes that come from having permadeath but I'm always just gonna restart if I lose someone I deem important. As a result it's just more of an annoyance.

I love the sprite work and all the animations. The music is pretty average overall, but there are songs here and there that I enjoyed. The story is presented like 90% through conversation which made it hard for me to get invested. Too many places and names for me to keep track of so I eventually just started skimming or skipping. I got the general idea though and I'm very indifferent to it but it's not that important to me.

Playing this takes a lot out of me, and it feels like a commitment. I wouldn't say I'm a fan now, nor that I am in a hurry to play more. I still found it to be pretty enjoyable and I'm glad I can say I've played a Fire Emblem game.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2023
