It's a good game! The beginning hours are best, when you're formulating how your character will play and choosing which moves or powers you want to use. By the back end of the game, it's much less engaging since your character tree is mostly mapped out how you want and you're not earning anything new.

Also, it's just a bit too easy. Only a small handful of times was I ever in any real danger, and those times felt great. While most fights did require me to dodge and stay vigilant of my health, it was never anything that felt dangerous.

The story is fun but drags near the back, which is again compounded by the lack of meaningful changes to your character. I played with my brother for the entire game and I cannot imagine playing alone, it just seems too boring by yourself.

Looking forward to DLC, but only if more changes come with it.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

Totally agree with your thoughts. Too easy and kinda boring after you unlock all your skills.
Hoping they make some changes before the first dlc. I loved 3 and was really excited about this one 😕