I love metroidvanias and platformers way too much. What can I say, they are what I grew up on.

My ratings:

5 Stars: A masterpiece. Everything it attempts is done in a great way.

4 Stars: Very good. Really enjoyed multiple aspects and the game as a whole.

3 Stars: A fine game. Enjoyed it while it lasted, maybe got bored before it was done, but enjoyed the experience overall. Alternatively, perhaps the game had good ideas but just wasn't for me.

2 Stars: Bad. Did not finish and do not want to. Waste of time.

1 Star: Atrocious. How did anyone think this was ok to release in any form?

In my reviews, I try to touch on gameplay, story,
characters, art direction and level design, and music and sound design, giving them each individually a rating of Bad (★), Okay (★★), Good (★★★), Great (★★★★), or Excellent (★★★★★).
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What a shit game. Costs you currency to do literally everything, even taking off armor. A billion pop ups to try to sell you stuff. Such a blatant grind fest just to get you to spend money. Didn't last 5 minutes before their strategy was clear.

It's odd to call something I spent 52 hours on "small" but Shadow of the Erdtree basically just takes all of Elden Ring's best ideas and puts them into a smaller, more concentrated package. The dungeons are all really well designed and there are interesting things hidden all over the place. I was particularly pleased with the catacombs because I had started to get bored of them in the base game because they were all pretty similar. But the ones in Shadow were expansive, winding, and had some amazing design ideas.
Also really loved many of the areas including the storehouse and woods house (you know the one).

I take away some points because everyone in the shadow realm loves to spin and I hate them for it. While I don't think the difficulty was quite worth all the hate and review bombing that it got, I do think that there are several bosses and even several regular enemies that are extremely difficult simply because they WILL. NOT. STOP. ATTACKING. I found that to be very frustrating at times. Especially those stupid ring blade (wind fire wheels?) guys with spinal issues. I thought about quitting more times because of them than because of any of the bosses.

A couple other issues include a pretty sparse world with and those damn furnace golems with 5 minutes worth of HP.
Even though the destinations were usually (looking at you, Finger Ruins) great, there often wasn't much to do along the way.
Slowly smacking a giant's legs is not my idea of a good time 6(?) times.

Overall, it was not as purely positive of an experience as the base game but it was still fantastic and had some amazing bosses.

I'm not really into arena PVP or hero shooter games but it's free and I like Star Wars (in theory) so I tried it out on Switch. I expected to play a couple rounds and uninstall but surprisingly I enjoyed it and played for a couple hours. Matches are short and character abilities are simple, in a good way. These two factors allows you to easily jump into another game and give a low barrier to entry. My assumption is that this simplicity will get boring over time but perhaps the progressive unlocking of characters will make that better. Currently there are only 13 characters but I'm sure they'll add more. You start with 2 unlocked and can unlock more by playing (or paying money of course). In the 2 hours that I played I unlocked two additional characters.

I might pick it up again sometime when I don't have the time to commit to a full gaming session of the other "legit" games I'm currently in the middle of. I doubt I'll play it again for any extended duration like I did the first time.
It's a fun time for as long as it keeps your attention but, unfortunately for the devs, it's not really worth spending money on.