I played this when it originally launched on PC. It was buggy, but not near as bad as the consoles got it. I still loved it despite it's many glaring flaws.

Now that the 2.0 update, as well as the DLC, has released, I wish THIS was the first time I was playing it. It's SUCH a stark improvement in every single department. Combat feels better, the character tree is totally overhauled for the better, and the DLC story is a perfect depressing addition to the overall story.

The writing is a highlight, even playing it a second time and skipping some dialog and side missions because I already knew the outcome. The DLC is no different, providing fully realized characters and choices for you to make. The new part of Night City, Dogtown, is amazingly alive and bustling with brand new NPCs to chat with and take missions from.

If you skipped out the first time, I highly recommend you give it a shot now. It's the game it was always meant to be and I'm sad it didn't come out this way the first time.

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
