Log Status






Time Played

8h 59m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 14, 2021

First played

October 1, 2021

Platforms Played


I just don't know how its possible for a video game to make me just so extremely miserable....
I've been holding off from writing a review for months since I finished the game, but I think I can finally sit down now and gather some of my thoughts.

I think even now, Silent Hill 2 holds up for being an incredible narrative with a wonderful atmosphere and soundtrack. I wouldn't change a single thing about this game.
The voice acting in this game is just so amazingly awkward in the best way possible. Guy Cihi may not be a great guy but he's the best voice for James Sunderland and I'll die on that hill (haha get it.....)

From the very beginning of Silent Hill 2 to the very end I was immersed in it's atmosphere. The ambient noises are so so eerie, and some of the storytelling through actions and interacting with items was very fun. The only gripe I really had with the gameplay was the camera angle, but I quickly got used to it after 30 minutes or so.

The best thing about this game, however, by far is the main protagonist James Sunderland. He just feels so real... his actions and thoughts and his inner turmoil as he tries to find his wife in Silent Hill is so gut wrenching. I felt like I was watching this dude go through a mental illness simulator and all I could do was sit back and feel awful.
I remember for MONTHS after finishing Silent Hill 2 I literally couldn't listen to the soundtrack or think about any of the characters without tearing up... Which is a problem especially if you're walking around in public.

I know a lot of people may find this game overrated, but I don't think I'll ever find a video game that tackles serious subjects in such and interesting and heartbreaking way again.
I'd do anything to replay this game completely blind.