who would've thought the best way to innovate on soulslikes was to stop making them increasingly difficult and just work on making them fun and interesting to play

guarding in most souls games tends to feel like the easy option, but forcing you to rely on your shell and its unique attributes helps guarding feel a lot more active. it creates a lot of fun, hectic moments when your shell breaks and you're forced to scamper around to find a new one

this does mean that enemies are quite punishing with their attacks, and sometimes it feels like dodge rolling is a bit less refined by comparison, both of which can meld into some annoying moments. overall, however, the game is quite fun

the story, similarly to aggro crab's previous game, has a very sardonic and bitter sense of humor that fits well with the whole "the world sucks because of crabitalism" theme (though going under only has a few crabs).

said themes feed into the game's visual design, where crabitalism has caused... well it's pollution but its clearly a metaphor for climate change. the various locations and outfits worn by the ocean's denizens are both funny, creative, and serve as an ever-present reminder of how messed up the world's gotten. i particularly like the bleached city's focus on cleaning products

y'know, like, in the game. definitely not in real life. haha. i love microplastics.

8/10 check out assist mode its got funny options

Reviewed on Jun 14, 2024
