Unfortunately I never quite made it through my original playthrough of this game, and my GameBoy Cart battery has since died, meaning my save is gone forever. I still plan on beating the remake one day, but for now I'll log my thoughts on the original from what I played.

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening is beyond incredible.
It contains a world so full of life and personality, and somehow it manages to squeeze it all into a teeny GameBoy screen. The graphics, music and story have aged wonderfully, and will instantly charm you in a matter of seconds. It's honestly very easy to forget your playing on such a terrible screen half the time. Not only does this game have arguably one of the best stories on the entire GameBoy library, but also the Legend of Zelda series as a whole. It makes the cast's of games such as Botw look extremely bland in comparison. My only real issue with the game is that there are a few too many puzzles that you could never logically solve without a guide, but that is also true for the majority of older Zelda games. In my opinion this is without question the best 2D Zelda, and an absolute must play GameBoy title.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024


25 days ago

This was one of my first Zeldas, so happy to hear it's aged well in a lot of departments. But am surprised about the confusing puzzles - I didn't realize it carried so many of those?

22 days ago

@RedBackLoggd I think the problem with them is that if you miss just one hint somewhere along the way during your play through the intended solution to whatever problem your in can become extremely unclear. I think I got stuck at one point because I couldn't figure out where the dungeon was that I was supposed to go to, and whatever textbox that was supposed to tell me where to go I had long since missed, meaning I had no real way to find where I needed to go without either wandering around aimlessly (which i tried) or googling it.

22 days ago

Ahh yeah, I can definitely see that being frustrating haha. Still, I'll call it an upgrade over ALTTP where, on multiple occasions, you were given no indication on how to open/access a dungeon haha.

8 days ago

While i get what you mean, a friend of mine did figure out everything without a guide when he was a kid (he didn't even have internet back then), even the secret seashells. He said it was just trying out many different spots and things. I guess when you are young and have only a few games to play you really can do the impossible.