Honestly an underrated game that deserves more attention. Played it periodically and it was fun every time.

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Very scary game. By far the scariest part was when I had to face down these big dudes with sledgehammers that kept darting in and out of the shadows to kill me. Such a fucking stressful part of the game.

Obscure little game. Quite nice, although can't really say I remember much other than the ending which I thought was kinda BS.

I spent 99 hours on this for some reason.

Terrifying game I have no intention on ever finishing.

Very frustrating game that I nonetheless keep coming back to.


Very fun game that I sadly don't really want to play much.

Very fun game that sadly I don't really want to play much considering how much of a time-consumer it is.

Honestly a very fun game that I still enjoy to this day. Might pick it back up if I ever want to get back into it.

Didn't play much, but I remember enjoying it a lot for what it was. If you're into action-movie style gameplay, this is what you want.

A very fun game! Love playing this with friends.

Honestly don't care much for it.

A nice little game for friends. If you like tower defense/ third-person shooter games, then get this for you and your friends.

Honestly a massive, beautiful game. Played it with a friend and I'd love to pick it up again.

I've increasingly found I don't really like rogue-like games for a variety of reasons no matter how fun they are. Enter the Gungeon is a prime example of precisely that.