A really fun multiplayer version of the SCP: Containment Breach game. Expect a lot of nonsense, memes, and the occasional terror.

Quite a fun game except for the annoying fact that it seems to be trying to the glitchiest game I've ever played. Only Dead Island has ever been as bad as this game is with its glitches. I may pull through one day.

As fun as it is, Hotline Miami 2 is much cleaner (if much more annoying) version. Still a nice game, though.

I have a slight fondness for semi-realistic FPSes such as this, and this one is quite a fun one.

A fantastic star wars game that's unique in so many regards. If you like Star Wars and tactical shooters, you will love this game.

A mesmerizing, beautiful game that I seriously need to complete.

Very fun outside of the fact I can barely get it to work.

I keep picking up this game to play it for some reason despite the fact that I don't think it's very good. In short, the ultimate time-waster for me.

Honestly still such a fun and addicting game after all this time. With mods it's even better.

A nice addition and, in my opinion, better than the original in a lot of ways.

I honestly really like this game and the genre-blending nature of how its FPS and RTS mechanics interact. The worst parts about it is that it's a laggy game for me and that these kinds of games pretty much require cooperation that most of the time I'm not able to really do.

Don't ask how I know about this game.

Honestly the best out of all of the Call of Duty games by virtue of not being total war propaganda. Very fun gameplay and an actual story that works.

Quite a scary game, but also really difficult and buggy. Might pick it back up to play it some more.

Very fun game that I should honestly get back into playing at some point.