Very fun game that I should honestly get back into playing at some point.

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Pretty much everything about this game is an absolutely beautiful masterpiece. Even when things got annoying I pressed on because I wanted to see how it all ended. The world of Xen in particular was mesmerizing. The first time I was sent there I was struck with sheer awe by what the developers had accomplished. An absolute gem of a game at every moment.

I remember playing this a lot as a child. Still find it quite fun nowadays.

Really only got into this game from Freeman's Mind. It's an alright game on its own in my opinion.

Obscure little game. Quite nice, although can't really say I remember much other than the ending which I thought was kinda BS.

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Very scary game. By far the scariest part was when I had to face down these big dudes with sledgehammers that kept darting in and out of the shadows to kill me. Such a fucking stressful part of the game.

Far too annoying for me to really play it and like it.

I spent 99 hours on this for some reason.

Terrifying game I have no intention on ever finishing.

Honestly an underrated game that deserves more attention. Played it periodically and it was fun every time.

Very frustrating game that I nonetheless keep coming back to.

Very nice game. Love the story. Multiple endings!

Fun game that I wish my computer could actually run.

Very fun game that sadly I don't really want to play much considering how much of a time-consumer it is.

Extremely fun game that's still fun to this day. I love playing the Pyro the most out of every class.