Best and Worst of Franchises

The best of a franchise followed by the worst. This is based off of Backloggd ratings only and isn't a comment on any of the games. Most of the actual worst are listed as N/A rating. Games only, not collections (unless they are remakes) or DLC. To be included, the franchise has to consist of at least four entries. If a series has a sub series that consists of at least four entries, they will get their own listing as a franchise.


1 month ago

Awesome idea for a list, but I'm a little confused by the criteria regarding which games are included and which games aren't. It seems like sometimes spin-offs are included and sometimes they're ignored.

1 month ago

spin offs are included. if there are enough to be its own kinda franchise, then its added as its own. so there is a listing for the main Pokemon Franchise, and a listing for the Spinoff side games. I'll add some notes at a later point to help clear some of the confusion

1 month ago

Also I'm only going off of there Backloggd ratings, and most are marked N/A, so even if some games are obviously worse, if it doesn't have a rating it doesn't go on the list

1 month ago

Alright, thanks for clarifying!
(Btw Metroid Prime Fed Force is misplaced jsyk)

1 month ago

Thanks. Fixed that. This is still a work in progress so if you find any other mistakes please let me know

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