Who's Lila is yet another Twin Peaks inspired project, with an interesting twist.

While I was traversing the school's boiler room, I couldn't help but remember the moment in the last episode of Twin Peaks' S2, where Cooper is running around in circles, as he finds... something inside there.

And to be quite frank, this was the entire experience throughout this game. Who's Lila nails the vibes of David Lynch to almost a fault, bringing the beauty and the horror behind his works to the front of the screen.

The biggest (and most interesting) aspect of the game is dealing with your character's emotions, by literally modeling his face. It's bizarre and strange, and yet it works really well. As for gameplay... this is a point and click game, with a LOT of secrets inside and outside of the game itself. Like, I'm not even joking, this game has endings for days. I played like 5 hours or so and I don't think I got even half of them yet.

Overall, what I can say is this needs to be played as blind as possible, just looking around for what the game shows you. As in, the game's website, the steam page, since those things hold some secrets you can use inside the game. If you're a fan of Whodunits (or in this case... well...), you're definitely gonna enjoy figuring out Who's Lila.

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024
