It was decent with some very interesting narrative beats, but core gameplay loop of this season was quite weak. Prophecy was a great inclusion.

It was a rather fun season, with good loot and a pretty good seasonal activity, which is objectively better than menagerie. Corridors of time was fun, the reward not so much, but still good regardless.

Seraph towers and "The Door." That's all that needs to be said about this season. The felwinter lore was pretty cool I guess.

Considering the timeframe they had to ship it out, it was quite good, although the campaign felt very anticlimatic in the end, and rasied questions we had before yet again. Garden of Salvation was a raid... that is all I'm going to say about the raid.

Forsaken was pretty good. Good story payoffs and build ups. Especially with Savathun and Riven.

The Whisper mission was quite fun, and some of the exotics were incredibly fun (lookin at you Huckleberry). The campaign was objectively worse than curse of osiris. Making a worm god, A WORM GOD, one of the franchises titular enemies a STRIKE BOSS, was not the best idea.

Ah yes, the dark days of D2. I still remember them quite "fondly."

I still enjoy this game quite a bit, even after sinking over 3000 hours into it.

A lot better than The Dark Bellow, campaign still a little bit iffy, not hitting emotional beats that could have made it endearing and interesting. Prision of Elders is decent.

it was meh. Campaign wasn't really that engaging. Crota's end is still quite fun.

I have quite a few fond memories of this game. The campaign was fine, although barely. Gunplay still one of the best in the industry and the world art is stunning. I'm glad I fell into this endless abyss of fun, only to fall into another one.

I had a lot of fun with it. Story was for the most part decent, and Handsome Jack was a pretty good character. Although a lot of my enjoyment with the campaign was sapped on repeated playthroughs to get to UVHM and OP levels. Still a decent game regardless.

Bland character writing. Bland story beats. Gunplay was good, but for a game with hundreds and thousands of weapons, I felt very few weapons were good and bordline usable. To think there were characters more annoying than Claptrap in this game.