The story takes a while to get going, and there were a few silly plot decisions that I didn't really like. The final stretch more than makes up for it though. It might be my favorite finale in the series. Everything is tied up in a really satisfying way.

A lot of the side missions are great, but a fair amount of them are also just glorified fetch quests. Some of them make you run all across the city multiple times, and that got really annoying after a while.

In terms of gameplay, the Agent style is a breath of fresh air. The gadgets might seem simple at first, but once you upgrade them a little they'll tear through hordes of enemies like they're nothing. The combat just feels great, and the new style adds a lot of flare to your attacks.

The Coliseum is also the first time I've enjoyed the arena in one of these games. One of the modes is like Clan Creator from 6, but a lot more interactive. You actually get to control anybody that you recruit. Agent style is also perfect for this mode since you're dealing with big crowds. It's just a lot of fun, and the rewards are great.

Overall, this game is still a must-play for longtime fans of Yakuza. For both the story and the gameplay.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
