In my previous review, I said that Invasions was better than the MK11 Krypt. I was completely wrong. The fact that you have to start over and go through the same boring fights every season is a dealbreaker. At least with MK11, you could just go into the Krypt and unlock things without hours of tedious battles.

Invasions mode needs to be fundamentally changed. One or two new mesas per season does nothing to improve the mode because the change is purely cosmetic. The only new thing they've added gameplay-wise has been a few variations to the survival stages, but even those additions are confusing and sometimes overly difficult. It just makes getting to the final boss even more of a slog. Not even a really cool Sub-Zero skin is worth all this grinding.

It's also hard to avoid playing the mode because it's the best way to get currency for both the shrine and the seasonal store. It honestly brings the entire game down a little for me.

Reviewed on Jan 24, 2024
