Bomb Rush Cyberfunk is a love letter to the Dreamcast that somehow transcends into its own thing. I can tell because I’m not very nostalgic for the Sega Dreamcast or never played Jet Set Radio myself, it just looked like a cool stylized game that completely delivers on the stellar art direction that oozes everywhere with a soundtrack that makes my body move.

The story surprised me a lot even if the characters are one note, but that isn’t an issue when each of them is so charming and the plot itself was interesting enough to hook me.

The traversal movement though in this game, I haven’t enjoyed moving around this much since like Spider-Man 2 video game. Boost meter being so well balanced with having to do tricks to fill it up will open up opportunities to either use your pack boost or use regular boost while doing a manual, but at the cost of that meter depleting slowly.

The cherry on top is the few hidden techniques like holding the manual button that reduces your jump height or while you are grinding on rails that you can do hard corners depending on the direction that will give you an extra boost automatically and fill up your boost meter way faster.

This is all to say that the traversal movement in this game requires effort to pull off satisfying flow instead of holding down a single button to get the same result and they balanced every mechanic around it. It feels so earned to have such a seamless flow that I haven’t felt for a game that focuses on traversal movement even with the good ones. Spider-Man 2 video game is the last I could think of that, but even that game had its jank that Bomb Rush thankfully doesn’t have.

My only notable complaint with this game is the combat. It's just kind of there, I appreciate the enemy variety, and when I started to understand the mechanics. It didn’t completely halt the otherwise amazing flow this game has, but it is just really weak compared to most other elements of this game.

Overall, I was expecting to have a decent time with this game, but I wasn’t anticipating this game to be one of my favorite modern games in recent memory and it is certainly becoming my 2nd favorite game of 2023 right behind Armored Core 6. I can’t recommend this game enough.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2023
