This game is definitely not for everyone, if you dont like unfairness as a design feature i wouldnt recommend this game.
As someone who couldnt even finish a run of F&H1, i had a really good time with this game.
This really hits the spot for me. The fantasy + really gruesome horror combo with flavorful characters and interactions between them by its own is great for me. But the gameplay is also amazing to me, i would say at its core its about knowledge, about learning and managing information and i just love that, it keeps my head running and thinking about this game the whole day for weeks now. Trial and error, coming back each time stronger by your own merit, its a process than can be frustrating but the same amount of rewarding.
Even the writing has a similar approach, connecting the dots between the little snippets of info you get, the characters, their interactions, the lore, the environments, everything. It makes you a part of it, its great c:

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
