So, I think I actually had more fun with this one than Boneworks! In some respects. Upsides: More diverse environments and the avatar segments and puzzles were really cool. I think this one was just more fun to play in general, aside from the kart race and roller coaster ride. Those were nauseating as all HELL. Thank god you could just run right through the race at the very least. The roller coaster was really fun to look it but I did feel pretty queasy by the end of it lol. I also notice more music variety in this one, which I REALLY appreciated! The only things that Boneworks' campaign does better is in length and story. I like where this game went, what with expanding on the Lava Gang and introducing Dead FM into the plot, and the bits with Jimmy were fun also. Had lots of fun! Just be warned if you get VR sickness like me.

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
