A much better DS game than Phantom Hourglass. Not that the game was bad but this was much more refined. A much better soundtrack as well. It has more than 10 songs.

You don't need to download this to play it to know it's worthless. It's just NFTs, and without that it's just an idle game where you can only increase a number by +1 by clicking. No upgrades or anything. It's something you make to test your programming when you're just starting out. But this is definitely just money laundering.

Childhood classic. Remember the later levels being too stupidly hard, but i did complete it. Liked the soundtrack

Very fun gameplay but it's lacking in it's presentation. Every block is just black so the only variety you get is with the backgrounds. Plus some music tracks sound a little lame while others are absolute bangers.

A pretty good game for being on mobile. And it's free as well. It kinda has a similar format to something like Zelda 2 but not poorly aged.