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Bramble: The Mountain King
Bramble: The Mountain King

Jun 02

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Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty

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Duck Detective: The Secret Salami
Duck Detective: The Secret Salami

May 27

Senua's Saga: Hellblade II
Senua's Saga: Hellblade II

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Arctic Eggs
Arctic Eggs

May 25

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This was way more creepy, fucked up, and gory than I intially thought it would be - Don't think I realized it had horror elements like that.

I like how they drew inspiration from folklore, fairy tales, and cautionary fables for children.

Ended up playing through this with a couple buddies and found it to be pretty fun, probably what elevated it to an 8/10 for me. A nice Soulslike mashup of Nioh & Ninja Gaiden with a coat of Three Kingdoms paint.

Very weird game, and oddly addicting too. Very chill music... Who knew a game about slinging fried eggs as a Poultry Peddler in Antarctica would make me ponder a Ship of Theseus-esque paradox by a half-cyborg man that just wants to taste eggs before he loses his tongue.