I respect this game a lot more than I enjoyed playing it. I think the lore is very basic and the gameplay is an RNG fest, basically just begging to god "please please please don't let me get raped and murdered in one of twelve combat encounters I have to do to get to the next save point!" Eventually you'll have your path completely laid out for you but now it's just a matter of spending an hour doing it while hoping for no complications. What I like about the game is that its limb mechanic is a very fun concept. I also like how dense it is, so many endings and random encounters for those who enjoy the game. There's no game that makes you feel more miserable than F&H which is the obvious aesthetic the game is going for, but I don't like feeling miserable tbh. I might try the 2nd game sometime because I've heard good things, but the first game is a no from me

Reviewed on Aug 03, 2023
