NOTE: As of this review (2024), this game is still in early access.

As a recreation of Sburb/Homestuck, this game is very faithful to it's source material and fun to mess around in. However, it's very easy for your saves to get soft-locked due to a multitude of bugs.

If you are already a fan of Homestuck, it may be worth a shot.

Sonic 3 is a very fun platformer with music and visuals that still hold up today. Following Sonic 2, the sequel features catchier music and improved level theming. The addition of continuous acts and level transitions also contribute to the game feeling like a continuous adventure through Angel Island rather than a set of disconnected levels.

While the game's overall length may be a benefit to some, the length of each stage felt much more sluggish in comparison to 2. Stages such as Marble Garden and Sandopolis Zone feel very slow and frustrating to traverse and take much longer to finish compared to the game's other levels. This combined with the game's greater number of zones can make the game feel a little too long. Compared to Sonic 1 though, each level still feels much more accommodated towards each character's skillset.

As a port, Sonic 3 A.I.R is one of the definitive ways to play Sonic 3 due to it's customization features and widescreen functionality.