-------Guardian Heroes is probably one of the most interesting side-scrolling brawlers I've ever played. It seemed like no matter when I picked it up, it was always showing me something new. It's RPG elements are fascinating, it's character designs are unique, and it's story is surprisingly complex and sweeping. I also love how any character from the story-mode can be played through the arcade and versus modes. The gallery offers a open glance into how much density Guardian Heroes offers. 30 story-missions, 90 characters, and a great soundtrack make up this display. The fighting mechanics are pretty deeps with button combos and weighted attacks. There's also a magic system, and even character classes worked into the fold. I imagine Guardian Heroes would be a fantastic multiplayer expierence.
-------However, even with this wondrous variety, I feel as if Guardian Heroes falters in it's key areas. For one, I don't think it's juggles any of it's systems extremely well. There are clear repeat scenes within the story missions without much variation. The karma system is under-baked with it being hard to be any kind of “evil.” Some of the story characters felt better to play than others. In fact one, Han, is the canonical hero of the narrative, and is the only character that can get a “boost” in stats from one specific story path. Finally, I feel as if the gameplay in general is just too chaotic. Bosses are too tough and responsive, the AI can easily out-number and juggle you, and it is very easy to lose your place on the screen. Regardless, I think this Sega Saturn cult-classic is still worth playing. Treasure always seems to surprise me, and this is one of their most sensory overload games I've played to date. For better, and for worse. - [06/10]

Reviewed on Oct 25, 2020
