gameplay loop is empty, without friends it is unbearable, nothing ever happens, doesn't feel rewarding to play

Insane and extremely well-thought combat system, the lore/word building for this game is incredible. The scenery of this game is incredibly beautiful. The music across the different regions is unmatched by any game I have ever played in 15 years of gaming. Unfortunately, story delivery is mostly idle characters barely moving while lines of text scroll, content in patches are mostly characters that f2p won't get cuz the game is waaaay too expensive, there isn't much to do in between patches. The constant updates do keep the game fresh enough to keep me playing

Empty repetitive boring game. Another "dodge-attack" game from fromsoftware. You spend hours fighting a boss to then not be able to use the loot because you don't have the stats to use it. Story is very bare bones. Fights are unfair. Overall big waste of time would not recommend

this game is incredibly boring and it honestly shouldn't even be a Zelda game. it wouldn't be 1 star if the music wasn't that incredible though

just a hak and slash, yes the animations are cool and fun, but gameplay is too repetitive and story is very bad