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8 days ago

BendakStarkiller abandoned The Callisto Protocol
This is not at all how I expected the showdown between Dead Space Remake and CalPro to unravel. I was rooting for Striking Distance Studios, the original creators behind Dead Space, but Dead Space Remake smokes CallPro like a pack of light cigies.

Poorly paced, annoying combat system that irritates much more often than it delivers anything remotely resembling fun and satisfaction. Everything outside the gameplay, while compenent and interesting at times (like the decision to make radio conversations sound like they are in YOUR head) but utterly derivative of Dead Space in almost every way imaginable.

After a couple of hours you just scratch your head and wonder why Schofield and co even bothered to return with this pale copy of their former selves. And then you turn it off, because the combat sucks and you have no idea why you're still trying to have fun with it's broken ass.

11 days ago

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