Haven't had to stop playing a game because of difficulty in ages and I might still come back to it as there is an addicting element to this game but I was getting pissed off by a lot of cheap deaths due to the horrible camera placement this games has. Devil May Cry uses the fixed placed camera of the Resident Evil games which works fine for those slower pace survival horror games but is not at all suited to an action game that requires split second decision making on where to move so you can dodge attacks yet you can't see the enemies attacking you or the vulnerable spots on the boss because of the awful camera placement meaning you get hit from something off screen or you can't actually see what you're supposed to be fighting, enclosed boss battles are a nightmare for this because of the way the camera works, same with aerial bosses such as the one with the Griffon it's laughable how poorly designed it is. These issues extend to the games platforming sections which thankfully don't take up to much of the game but are tedious and frustrating as its really hard to get a sense of perspective so its very easy to miss your jumps. I could deal with these problems but because it's a game over 20 years old it's a lot less forgiving than many modern games tend to be so checkpoints don't exist and it uses a lives system which is fine as the levels themselves tend to be quite short but once you start getting cheap deaths and have to keep going through the same sections over and over again it just becomes frustrating. I'll admit that I'm also a bit shit at the game but these problems definitely contributed and ultimately made me rage quit. It wouldn't be so bad if I could change the difficulty or even had the option to choose a difficulty in the first place but from my understanding the game defaults you onto normal and only lets you change difficulty if you die a certain amount of times within the first couple of missions but if you get past that it sticks you to normal and there's no way to go down which again is more of a modern game feature to let you change difficulty midway through but not even getting a choice or even the opportunity to change later on in the game when it actually gets difficult just seems like such a strange decision to me. I've finished this game before as a kid and I'm pretty certain it was on easy, so the lower difficulty is either significantly easier or I've gotten much worse at games as I've gotten older which is entirely possible I'll admit. Had this been a first ever play-through I might have persevered but it just didn't seem worth the frustration and tedium despite being relatively near to the end.

I don't want to completely bad mouth this game because there's a lot that it does right, firstly its obviously a very important game and did so much for hack and slash and action games today. The games combat itself still holds up well and it's fun to play, it's been improved upon sure, but this still holds up well. The game also has a brilliant atmosphere I've always appreciated the horror tone that this game has that was kind of lost in the later Devil May Cry games. This game can be legit creepy, this is no doubt due to it starting out as Resident Evil 4 and it really shows. The atmosphere, enemies and environment and the general aesthetic are by far the best part of this game and are the main reason I'd recommend anyone to play it today.

As for the story it's pretty flat there's not much going on with very few cut-scenes and some of it's time writing and voice acting it's not bad just dated and doesn't really hold-up to what we have today but it does lay the groundwork for the series and gets the job done so it's fine.

I really think there's a potential for a really good remake of this game, one that can improve and add to the story keeping the atmosphere of this game intact while addressing the issues the game has and adding all of the improvements to the genre that have been made since it's release, this is something that I would really like to see and with capcom excellent Resident Evil Remakes I think they could do it justice.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
