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Enslaved is a game that wears many influences on it's sleeve, even on games that have not yet come out when this was released. One of the best features of the game were the story which forces you to save a girl whom cannot survive alone in the harsh post-apocalyptic world and escort her home in which you build a bond over time - not too far of 'The Last of Us'. Not the most complex story, but I enjoyed the execution.
The graphics of the game is quite stunning on the console where it displays colours and vistas rarely seen at the time. However, to deliver such a pretty game it came at the cost of screen tearing, stutters and big frame drops which is quite distracting (you are lucky to get 30fps).
I enjoyed the enemies and using different tactics for each enemy type. My biggest gripe has to be that the game platforming and combat seems.. clunky and limited. For instance, you cannot jump off one ledge due to not being the way but the same looking ledge can be jumped off.
The game holds your hand too much with glowing platforms as well as telling you what to do next without giving you a chance to think it though.
The main story took about 10 hours to beat. But outside the colourful graphics, there is nothing unique or outstanding to replay this game.