[Review in Progress]
Final Fantasy XVI is my game of the year.

For some people that maybe a shock seeing as Tears of the Kingdom came out earlier this year, and there are still other big AAA games that have yet to release but I am so confident in this being my favorite game this year that I struggle to see anything surpass it. While this came is not perfect and I do have my fair share of gripes with it, I still absolutely love this game. I want to try and talk in depth about the things I love and dislike with this games so I have a clear record looking back on why I adore this game.

I think I should state that I'm not a Final Fantasy fan. I don't have anything against the series but I am not the biggest fan of turn based JRPG. They never really gripped me. The biggest turn based game I've played, and liked I would say is Pokemon. The reason why I bring this up is because I know there are some FF fans that don't like this game because it isn't a typical FF game. I am coming to this game as a fan of the 'Character Action'/'Hack & Slash' genre. I love games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta. When I heard the combat director for DMC5 had worked on this game my interest was piqued. The combat in those games make me go back to replay them to this day, so it is fair to say I had high expectations for the combat in this game.

The combat in this game is great and is comparable to DMC, Bayonetta, and Nier: Automata. Combat is fast, fluid, and stylish. The base move-set (excluding the Eikon feats & abilities) alone is enjoyable to me. You get everything you could possibly want from a base move-set in a game like this. A launcher, a move to close the distance, aeireal combat, dodging, perfect dodging, ranged attacks, combo timing, etc. With having such a well rounded move-set it makes the Eikon abilities feel like icing on the cake rather than a necessary ingredient. That isn't to say I could play this game without those abilities at all, but the foundation of combat is solid and enjoyable. The Eikon abilities you gain in the game are fun, varied, and useful. While there is only one Eikon Feat I do not like (that being Ramuh's) I can see how each one is useful. The biggest thing I like about the Eikons are the separation between Eikon Feats and Abilities. Having the option to mix and match abilities with different Eikons gives the gameplay a wide array of experimentation for players to find the best combination for themselves. It feels like there is so much in terms of options that almost no two players would have the same setup.

The combat in this game is spectacular. The only real negative that I can echo about it comes from a complaint I have seen other people have about this game. That being that the game is easy. While the combat is a blast to experience the difficulty leaves a lot to be desired. When fighting most normal enemies and even some bosses it feels like you are blowing through them with no real issue. Sure you might take a couple of hits but for nearly half of the game I didn't really feel too threatened by enemies. The do alleviate the easy difficulty by adding in a hard mode but that isn't something you can access until you have beaten the main game. Personally I am not turned off by the easier difficulty but there were times where I wish it was a bit easier

Now the other major draw of this game for me would be the story. As I mentioned earlier I'm not really much of a Final Fantasy fan, but from the moment I saw the reveal trailer for this game I was instantly hooked. Seeing characters have the ability to transform in to FF summons and have these over the top battles was hype. Plus the tagline in the trailer 'The legacy of the Mothercrystals have shaped our history for long enough' sent chills down my spine. I had to know what happened. Suffice it to say the story did not disappoint. From minute one up until the last scene shown was I fully engrossed in the story. The world-building along with the colorful and charismatic characters made every second enjoyable. Following Clive in his journey of acceptance, companionship, and overcoming of odds lead down many road of interest with the cast of characters and the world in which they occupy. The places and heights this story reaches will make this campaign one I will hold dear for a while. I'm positive there are other FF games with better narratives, as well as other games in general. I don't believe this game is gonna get any awards for writing prowess but it is genuinely gripping for me.

Another area of the game that pairs perfectly with everything is the soundtrack. God the music in this game is soooooo good. Honestly this game holds a place in my favorite video games OSTs. The sheer range of the tracks as well as the composition of each song is breathtaking. The first song you hear when you start a new game was amazing.