Without any doubt this is probably best novel I read, so far... and yet it is heavy riding, dark and grim story done in gothic artstyle.
Pale Cachexia is a novel about Esther a young girl affected by Cachexia disease.
When science or medicine fail, people often go outside of conventional boundaries, religion, alternative sciences to help themselves. Same thing happened to our Esther, after she heard rumors about alchemist that lives in forest that might found a cure for her disease she went there all alone.
...when everything fails hope is all we have....

This novel as I already mentioned is heavy reading, plenty of heavy monologues about struggle, survival, loneliness and hope. Monologues are fantastic with deep philosophical thoughts often very long going for pages and pages, getting into her mind as deeply as possible. They want us to be there in her mind, all the time, and not just to be there but to understand. Hard job for developers, but also for a reader.

Just think about it for a second, imagine you get up in the morning and you can`t get out of bed, but nothing is wrong with you, you just don`t have enough energy to do anything. This is what this novel wants you to imagine.

What also amazed me is that this novel has only 3 characters and still managed to keep me interested in a story, slowly reading every world, just marvelous.

I admire her in any way, I admire Esther, her will to survive, her struggle and her endless hope, after all hope is what kept her alive and what`s keeping her alive. Her mentality is so strong, she has to be, she has to be stonger then any of us, and she is...

Bloody amazing novel, never read anything so deep, so profound before and most important they got it, they got the point they wanted to achieve with this story. Every word, every line of text is so well done. The more you read, more you are close to an end, words have more meaning, words you read when you start reading this novel, every word becoming heavier and heavier giving you burst of emotions at the end.
Emotional masterpiece.