This is honestly one of my all-time favorite games.

This is one of the many "Final Fantasy: Star Wars" entries into the series. The story has a lot of exposition explaining the political conflict between warring countries, and that can be really heavy at first, but they are just setting the scene so you understand why all the characters are doing what they do.

The world has a ton of variety (once you leave the desert) such as vast forests, underground mines, snow covered mountains, cursed ruins and more! The soundtrack is great as well!. Balthier and Fran are probably my favorite pair of FF characters from any game in the series.

This game gets a lot of hate because of it's weird combat system, but I love it. I tinker a bit with programming as a hobby, so the Gambit system being one big if/else statement made immediate sense to me, and I loved being able to program how my party members would react to any given situation.

Another thing I really enjoyed about XII is they replaced the need to mindlessly level grind throughout the game with a series of Hunt side quests. As you journey through the world, a few major towns have job boards in them, where petitioners have posted monsters that are causing them trouble. This is all completely optional, but if you decided to do them, there are so many cool monsters! The final hunt took me just under 4 hours to beat. It was wild.

This is honestly one of those games that is on my list when people ask me "If you could only play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?"

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
