I think most people think fifa is a bad game due to it’s gambling and pay to win aspects and the fact that it releases every year. These things for the average Fifa player (including me) sadly don’t matter anymore. This community doesn’t care because it is used to these things most people who played this game grew up with it and don’t know any better.

That is the reason I expect EA to atleast make the core gameplay of FIFA good but they can’t even achieve that with this game. I mean how can you release the same game over and over again and make it worse every year as an example the gameplay feels different everyday I am not even kidding sometimes it feels smooth and fast but most of the time just sluggish and slow. Ultimate teams power curve is evolving way to fast by making way to many promos so that everyone has an Overpowered squad halfway through this games life cycle. Something that still annoys me is how pace dependent everything is it doesn’t matter that Rodri is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world if he doesn’t have a promo with atleast 90 pace by December he is useless.

Career mode is also shit and gets worse every year the only thing EA add are some animations that yes are cute but get repetitive very fast and simply can’t be counted as added content. Also please for the sake of my life please remove the club objectives how can it be that I win the Premier league with Luton town and still get a bad managerial rating because i didn’t sign three players from Micronesia.

Reviewed on May 24, 2024
