There's a lot of stuff you can do in this game but not a single one feels particularly enticing. Story is alright, and Haytham's introduction remains peak Assassin's Creed (even though it's s little too long). When matters shift to Connor, things kind of get stuck, the story gets too boring, which is a very generic criticism against III but I really felt it, too. I find Connor's eventual disillusionment with the whole system very well done, I genuinely felt for the guy in the end.

When it comes to the activities you can do in the free roaming explorable areas, well, it sucks. I remember I liked getting the attention of lots of guards on a single street and accumulate. This was nerfed in subsequent games, so I felt bad m, for that, I liked calling those moments 'Assassin's Street'. I mention that because any other extra activity the game offers you is downright awful and simple, put in the game just for the sake of quantity. You can assault fortresses, but all of them have the very same defenses, just different layouts. You can get a ton of collectibles but thr rewards for doing so are nonexistent. You can embark on naval expeditions, but this is before Black Flag, so the combat sucks.

Desmond and company are unremarkable characters just as usual, so yeah, this is a veru forgettable game, too.

Reviewed on Apr 13, 2022
