8 years have passed since Shigeru Miyamoto stated that work on a Pikmin game was "nearing completion". Well, it's finally here and I believe it was well worth the wait. 4's biggest triumph is making a beautiful tribute to the series (as usual) but specifically to the now old second entry, bringing back many elements and concepts that until some time ago seemed destined to forever remain stuck in the GameCube era.

Wonderfully, it all generally works and the game manages to build an identity of its own despite the clear inspiration and the changes that Nintendo's brought to make the series more accessible than ever. Namely, our furry friend Oatchie introduces a myriad of possibilities that weren't possible before, such as keeping Pikmin close to you so they don't lag behind, jumping and even permitting crossing bodies of water with non-water tolerant Pikmin.

However, in desiring to reach new audiences, Nintendo has fumbled some staples, like difficulty (which frankly is quite easy until the very end), the definitive loss of the angst characters had in the first two games and the introduction of a soft-locking reticle that you can't disable.

Even so, Pikmin 4 succeeds just as its 2004 brother thanks to its collect-a-thon-like gameplay, superb visuals (some of the best in the system), an exquisite atmosphere, varied fauna and a unique and cutesy sense of exploration.

Oh, and there ain't too much Dandori despite what the leafy guys might say. That might be good or bad, it all depends on what you're looking for in a game with the lovable Pikpik carrots.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
