I actually enjoy this game for the dating and puzzles, but I have to thumbs down it for this reason alone:
way too much racism, homophobia, and other crap like that in the game. I know this is a horny game so my expectations weren't that high for stuff like this, but still, hearing someone say "I have yellow fever" is cringe and any dev should know better, even horny devs.
Don't @me I'm not here to debate whether racism exists or not with horny neckbeards

****note on my ratings:
half ⭐: hot trash garbage
⭐: below average, needs work
⭐⭐: average
⭐⭐⭐: pretty good
⭐⭐⭐⭐: excellent
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐: all time favourite
half star ratings between those mean it's slightly better or worse than stated in this list.

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
