Paranormasight is a clever, concise visual novel with great presentation and a neat atmosphere. I would say this is a pretty good game for its price point. The game ends up feeling relatively short, but that is not necessarily a bad thing, and I felt as though it told and explained everything it wanted to. I ended up finishing it in ~10-12 hours.

The character dynamics and mystery aspect of the game are definitely what make this game stick out in my head the most. This is definitely the type of game that you feel compelled to take notes during to get the whole picture (though the game has a pretty extensive "File" system on keywords and characters so I never felt I had to). There are some meta-puzzle aspects that I never found too difficult, but I understand that they may be confusing if you took some time away from the game and started forgetting some of the minor details.

Overall, I think this is a pretty good game that flew under the radar. It left me thinking about it even after finishing, but I'm not sure I would call it a masterpiece. However, it is definitely a fun read, and I feel it's relatively low price point justifies the length.