4 reviews liked by Skaewalker

Really good strategy RPG with visual novel elements. The soundtrack is amazing, and the CGs for the art look nice as well. The gameplay is pretty standard for tactical RPGs, but it's still fun. The story is filled with references to Christianity, Greek mythology, literature, and European history. The map displayed in the game is identical in shape to a real life map as well. The party members in the game are all memorable as well. The only real issue in terms of characters for me were the villains. For a game that takes around 50-60 hours, I wanted more than just one good villain. Still, it's a really good game and one of the best PS3 JRPGs in my opinion.

Played until about midway into chapter 10, and I'm just not a fan. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing (probably my favorite 3DS soundtrack), and the background art, along with the character designs look great. However, I found the story and characters to be pretty generic and it's also quite tropey. The battles are extremely slow, but pretty fun once you get the hang of it. The game does get a lot harder starting in chapter 8 though. It's relatively easy up until that point and then all of a sudden there's a huge difficulty spike, so you'll probably have to start grinding. Overall, it isn't a bad game by any means, but it's just not something that I personally can justify putting several hours into (I already had about 40 hours in, I really should've dropped it sooner). I'd probably recommend anybody who wants to play it try out the first few chapters, and if you don't like it, just drop it before you put a lot of hours into it like me. I'll say this again though, the soundtrack is absolutely BANGIN

You were a good knight, Don Quixote

Being a massive fan of White Album 2, I was excited for White Album to finally get a release in the west. However, despite being considered a classic, White Album does not stand out much amoung other visual novels in 2023. Yuki, Yayoi, Mana, Haruka, and Misaki's routes were mediocre at best. Despite this, I still give it 3 stars because it does have some positives. Rina's route, while having a bit of an abrupt ending, was pretty good and Sayoko (new heroine only available after clearing Rina or Yuki's routes) was by far my favorite character in the game and had the best route IMO. Her route alone would've been about a 4.5/5 for me. Other positives in the game are the soundtrack and art. The CGs are really well done and even look great 13 years after the game's release in Japan. Another positive is the voice acting. Nana Mizuki plays Rina, and Aya Hirano plays Yuki, and both of them are quite famous in the industry. Satou Rina (Rixia from Trails, Makoto from P5) plays Sayoko as well. Overall, I think it's worth playing White Album, if not for the sake of playing a classic, then for Sayoko (best girl).