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Skipper93653 reviewed Luigi's Mansion 2 HD
My first thought after finishing this game was how seriously underrated this game is! I'm a fan of Luigi's Mansion 1 and a massive fan of Luigi's Mansion 3 but never really got to try out Luigi's Mansion 2 until this remaster released so I'm very glad I have been given this opportunity to play this game I have missed out on. I had great fun going through all of the missions in the game and was constantly engaged throughout. The ScareScraper online mode present here is honestly fantastic and I hope it continues to be expanded upon in a potential Luigi's Mansion 4. My issues with this is how although the game's assets were remastered for Nintendo Switch, some of the lighting looks pretty flat in certain places, the $60 MSRP could be a tough swallow for some, the Poltergust's automatic lock-on ability can be tricky to work with in some scenarios which makes things harder than they really should be. I'm pleased with what Next Level Games had developed originally and what Tantalus has done to bring the game to Switch and if the price tag isn't an issue for you, then I would recommend it!

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