Ultrakill 2020

Log Status






Time Played

14h 36m

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


As of this review, I have completed every act that's been released as of now, so everything up to and including Act II: Imperfect Hatred.

Ultrakill is by far the best fps that I have ever played. Movement mechanics are masterfully crafted. If you stop for even a second, you'll likely get your teeth kicked in, and I wouldn't have it any other way, especially when zipping around the map feels buttery smooth.

Each weapon has its own unique mechanics and functions; you'll never stick to one individual gun for very long, partially because certain guns shred through certain enemies and partially because they are all so damn fun to use. Even the weapons that I don't typically enjoy using in other fps are a joy to use in Ultrakill. The starter pistol, a weapon that feels reminiscent of the starter pistol in Doom (2016), is a mainstay of your arsenal throughout the game; it never falls behind the other weapons in terms of effectiveness or fun. Every shot feels weighty and awesome, thanks in large part to the visuals and sound design. The music and sound effects get your blood pumping, and the stylized retro visuals are wonderful to look at.

In short, this game fucks, and I'll be patiently awaiting the release of the third and final act. I'll just have to chase a new high score in Cybergrind to kill time.

I also made a review of this game on my YouTube channel. If you'd like, you can check that out with the link below.

Edit (LAYER 7): If cooking was a crime, each and every member of New Blood Interactive would be given the death penalty.