going into this game I was pretty skeptic since I never really found much enjoyment in turn based comabat games. but this game definetly made me get the genre and see the apeal. the combat feels insanly plolished smooth and nice to play with. the asthtic of the game ius just brimming with style from the unique jazzy soundtrack , acompanied by one of the most unique and visually striking artstyles ive seen in any media ever. praise aside i do have some fualts in this game and as much as I would like to give it a 5 star i cant say i enjoyed it to that extent. first off the game is just way too long for its own good and does not introduce too many new mechanics to make it feel refreshing. and the main gameplay loop becomes pretty dull and repetitive around the halfmark of the game. I also didnt find most of the character except from a select few intriguuing enough and find myself not caring for their confidants or their role in the stry in general.

visuals, music and combat were amazing but the lack of interesting and emotionally investable stories/characters in the game and its sheer length bring it down

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
