fuck you davey you made me cry and I've never even met you, i bet your brother is a king of shit or something.

i got to the final boss and then abandoned it for some reason. anyways good game.

This is a game I no doubt enjoyed, heck it was the main reason why I wanted a PS5 in the first place. I just REALLY wish it was longer, when I finished it I was expecting it to keep going but nope. Also didn't really like the lack of variety in the bosses. I think this game is a bit undercooked but it is still great.

This game needs a sequel so badly. I want my gay people they promised.

story's pacing is like actually godawful but damn I love this game, such a hidden gem on the 3DS. Raphael is my husband.

why the fuck dont we have more games like this anymore?

like this a lot but too short, need to play the sequel at some point.

holy shit pegging but at night

i desperately need a pegging session

thought the 24 hour long sex scene between jesse and lukas was a bit much

objectively i know the writing is crap but i cant help but love it. when i was 10 i coined the phrase "charmingly bad" to describe my love for this because even back then I could see that the writing is kinda flawed. I found huge comfort in it as a kid and it is my guilty pleasure.

yknow maybe yearly releases arent the best idea for a business model

DLC except it isnt downloadable

i cannot play this game again until it's 2032..... someone please remind me to mark this game as mastered when that time comes.