I was kinda excited to finally play and finish this game. I have played SH3 before, but only finished the Mall portion. Now that I have it for the first time, I feel rather conflicted. Mainly because I feel that the game was rushed. I can assume this mainly due to how the game is structured. At the same time though, I like what SH3's brings graphically, musically and somewhat narratively. It's a really mixed bag overall because there's some things I dislike as well aside. So, let's get into it, I guess.

To start with positives, I really, really like Heather. Easily the best Silent Hill protagonist for us to play as. She captures that angsty teenage mood and she's pretty expressive in regard to the environment around her. Unlike SH1 or SH2, I would examine almost anything in every room just to see what comments Heather has to make. It adds a whole layer of personality that Harry and James somewhat lacked. In regard to the supporting cast, I don't think they're nearly as good as SH2's and maybe even SH1. Vincent is the only character that pulls through for me to enjoy, but that only comes when the game is almost over as his manipulative nature is shown through dialogue, files and the recording. Everyone else is kinda whatever, but I feel that's mostly because we're exploring Cult stuff again. Unlike in SH1, where it the Cult stuff interested me, I don't really feel that same sentiment here because i feel that its one-note this time around. However, when disregarding the whole Cult stuff, I appreciate how Heather grows as a character when the plot advances because it's really the only thing I care about when it comes to the plot. The themes of identity, adolescence and independency are conveyed rather well.

Now as for the gameplay, I do feel that it's a step-up from SH2, but also a step-down. Firstly, I think the controls are better here than in SH2. I don't know how much of a difference it is, but it felt better to control Heather than James. I do appreciate that SH3 went back to a more metal-ish environment and sound akin to SH1. It's more sound and visually interesting to me when compared to the drabness that was SH2. The Amusement Park and Nightmare areas were nice to see as well as each of those areas having have their own moment or setpiece. SH3 also has better bosses than SH1 & 2, but that's not really saying a lot in the grand scheme of things. Lastly, I want to talk about the puzzles. There's only 5 here, 1 less than SH1, and I really only got satisfaction from 2 of the 5 puzzles. I was somewhat disappointed because SH1 & 2 had either good or decent puzzles all around. In the case of SH1 hard, but with SH3 its underwhelming. The tarot card puzzle was cool and it reminded me a lot of SH1. The other one which I believe was the Keypad was nice to solve as well. The other 3 puzzles were simply braindead easy. But yeah, enough of my puzzle tangent.

Now for the bad things about the gameplay. Just like SH1 & 2, the game is easy. Mainly because you're still getting drowned with a bunch of healing items and bullets. Although, I do applaud that SH3 gives you fewer resources, I think. Pretty sure I only say that because it just felt that way to me when playing. The enemies of SH3 are completely fine except for the slurpers. They're extremely annoying to deal with and it's just frustrating when they're around. I guess another side thing to note with enemies is that sometimes they can block your pathway. This happened to me twice in the Nightmare Hospital and Church respectively. It can be a nuisance if it does happen because you can't run around them due to these situations mostly happening in tight corridors. As with SH2, I don't find Silent Hill 3 to be particularly scary. I said before that I was happy that SH3 went back to a more metal feel like SH1, but it didn't hit the same. I still felt some moments of tense, but it wasn't as much (like my experience with SH2). Last but not least, I feel that SH3 was rushed. You can mostly tell based on how the game is designed structurally and how the pace can feels somewhat fast. One of the major signs is when SH3 reuses Brookhaven Hospital. Granted, you do things somewhat differently than 2, but you're reusing the same location. Another thing is that areas such as the Underpass, Subway Station and the Construction Site just feel one-note in terms of design and progression because you won't be in those areas for long. In general, Silent Hill 3 is just really short. I reached the halfway point 2hrs in and finished the game a hour later. I will give the game this though, it easily makes it the most replayable entry so far for being short and I can see myself coming back to this game over 1 & 2. (off-topic, but this is the reason why I love RE3: Nemesis and maybe the same will apply here. both feel rushed and reuse stuff, so maybe it ain't all that bad.)

As an overall experience, I feel that SH3 is the weakest of the trilogy, but I'd say that all three games are good. I still think that original Silent Hill is the best game so far, but I think Silent Hill 3 was my favorite one to play through (prob because of Heather). I have no idea when I'll play Silent Hill 4 because a part of me is very skeptical of wanting to even try it.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2023
