Bought it two years ago and hadn't played it until I got the Steam Deck. Doom 2016 is probably my favorite FPS, but for some reason I bounced off this the first time.

Anyhow, this is roughly as good as Doom 2016. Mechanically/level design, it's better. Ripping and tearing is still amazing, and the encounters are noticeably better and more diverse than they were in 2016. I love the platforming/parkour aspects too because it mixes up the same-ness 2016 was guilty of at times and enables some more interesting fights.

Bosses are still kind of lacking, but it's a big step up from 2016.

The downside is that the story is often a little more prominent than it should be. There's a lot of stuff going on that really assumes you both know and are interested in Doom lore, which 2016 didn't really do. The cutscenes can get in the way at times, especially in the first half, but it admittedly comes around in the last few levels and sets up some interesting stakes. Not as bad as Assassin's Creed modern day stuff, but it brings the game down a notch.

There are also some weird things like hints that tell you how to beat the boss before you have fought them once (maybe you can turn that off and it's my fault), some encounters that ended before I landed the final blow (including the final boss. unsure if it was a bug or what), and some other bugs here and there.

So, as a video game, better than 2016 and an amazing evolution. It's the stuff around the edges that brings it down some for me. Would still say I mostly loved it overall.

FWIW, it's excellent on Steam Deck. Looks like you're playing a PS4 game in your hand.

Reviewed on May 04, 2022
